Wildlife Conservation

Wildlife Conservation

Wildlife conservation refers to taking the necessary steps and precautions to protect wild species and their habitats. This includes both animals and plants. Consequently, when taking the necessary steps in wildlife conservation, healthy wildlife is maintained, and the natural ecosystem is enhanced.

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Over the years, Ireland has introduced many pieces of legislation in relation to wildlife conservation.

For example, the Wildlife Act 1967 was a key piece of legislation in the Republic of Ireland which provided protection for a variety of wild animal species and their habitats. Also, this Act provided regulations regarding the hunting and poaching of wild animals.

However, the original 1967 Act was amended to become the Wildlife (Amendment) Act 2000. Through this amendment, protection of wildlife and their habitats was strengthened as it has introduced provisions for the designation of Natural Heritage Areas (NHAs) to conserve habitats of natural importance.

In addition, Ireland has reflected EU Directives in their legislation regarding wildlife conservation. For example, the European Communities (Birds and Natural Habitats) Regulations 2011 establishes Special Protection Areas (SPAs) for birds and Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) for other species and habitats of European importance. The regulations provide for the conservation of natural habitats and wild fauna and flora, ensuring compliance with EU conservation requirements.

These are only some examples of how wildlife conservation has been implemented into domestic legislation, and how it has evolved over time to reflect the ever-changing issues surrounding wildlife conservation.

Moreover, it is important to discuss some notable case law in relation to wildlife conservation to illustrate the impact of domestic legislation introduced by the Republic of Ireland. For example, in 2014 a case named Kelly v An Bord Pleanála arose due to issues in relation to wildlife conservation. This case challenged the proposal of establishing a waste facility near a protected wildlife area. This case is significant as it illustrates the application of previously explained EU Wildlife Directives. Through those directives, local government can carry out appropriate assessments to ensure that there are no adverse effects on any protected species or habitats. Thus, it was held that the An Bord Pleanala (The Irish Planning Authority) had failed to provide adequate reasons for its decision in relation to planning and development.

Another case which proves to be significant is An Taisce – The National Trust for Ireland v An Bord Pleanála & Ors. Whereby, the National Trust for Ireland challenged the decision made by the Irish Planning Authority to grant planning permission for a large-scale dairy farm. This was questioned by the Irish National Trust due to the potential adverse effects on endangered species and habitats. This case is significant as it highlights the importance of Environmental Impact Assessments and compliance with EU Directives.

Our environmental team are passionate about protecting the environment and believe that the law is a powerful tool for positive change.

We appreciate that pursuing an environmental claim can seem like a daunting prospect. Our solicitors will take on most of the work on your behalf, making the process as stress-free as possible for you.

At P.A. Duffy, we specialise in supporting and advising clients through difficult legal claims in Ireland and in cross-border cases. Our expert team ensures the highest quality service to decide upon the appropriate remedy based on your case. We pride ourselves on providing excellent client care and utilising our experience to provide expert legal advice.  

If you have been affected and wish to speak to a member of our team, please get in touch via the following channels  

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Who can bring a wildlife conservation case in Republic of Ireland?

Action in relation to wildlife conservation can be brought by:

  • Individuals who feel affected by activities which harm wildlife.

  • Environmental organisations which focus on preserving wildlife and their habitats.

  • Public Authorities like, The National Trust for Ireland, National Parks or Wildlife Service.

  • Group actions brought by community groups or concerned citizens.

What remedies are available in environmental claims?

Some remedies which can be awarded as a result of a wildlife conservation claim are as follows:

  • Injunctions

  • Orders requiring remediation or restoration of the environment

  • Compensation for damages

  • Quashing orders

  • Declarations from public authorities confirming that they have acted unlawfully.

What are the time limits for bringing an environmental claim?

There are different time limits in relation to different types of claims. They are as follows:

  • Judicial review claims should be filed within three months from the date of the initial decision being challenged.

  • Other claims may vary and may require legal consultation to specify the time limits.

What type of wildlife conservation cases can be brought to court?

Some of types of cases, which can be brought to court include:

  • Enforcement actions, which ensure that organisations or public bodies are in compliance with wildlife protection law and regulations.

  • Judicial Review, which allows to question the legality of decisions made by public authorities in relation to wildlife conservation.

  • Injunctions.

  • Claims for damages.

  • Challenges to Environment Impact Assessments

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