EU & International Law

EU and International Law

Human rights are provisioned for at a European and global level through instruments such as the European Convention on Human Rights and the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights. These serve to support regional human rights law in Ireland and are effective protection for victims of human rights abuse. The European Court of Justice is essentially the Supreme Court of the European Union which interprets EU law to ensure it is applied in the same way in all EU countries and settles legal disputes between national governments and EU institutions. At P.A. Duffy and Company, our solicitors advise our clients on the protection afforded to them under EU and International law and will endeavour to achieve the best remedy available.

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How can we help?

At P.A. Duffy and Co Solicitors, we are committed to protecting and promoting the fundamental human rights provided for by EU and International law. Our expert solicitor will be able to help you with:

  • Data Protection and Privacy: The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) protects individuals' privacy, but breaches can still occur.

  • Freedom of Expression and Media: Media freedom is essential, yet issues of censorship and journalist safety persist.

  • Environmental Rights: The EU has comprehensive environmental regulations aimed at protecting citizens' health and the environment.

  • Access to Justice: Access to justice, including the right to a fair trial and legal aid, remains a crucial area where individuals might encounter barriers, requiring effective remedies and timely judicial processes.

  • The right to life and the right to an effective investigation following certain deaths.

  • The right to a private and family life: The European Court of Human Rights protects your right to respect for your private life, your family life, your home and your correspondence (letters, telephone calls and emails, for example).

  • The right to be free from discrimination: The Human Rights Act makes it illegal to discriminate on a wide range of grounds including ‘sex, race, colour, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, association with a national minority, property, birth or other statuses.

For a consultation with one of our experts, call us on 01 533 7860 (IE). We will talk through your situation with you and discuss what the first steps are in bringing an EU or International law case. We can also answer any questions you may have.

Alternatively, you can fill in our online Contact Form and we will ring you.

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Is there a time limit for bringing a claim under EU and International Law?

For the European Court of Human Rights, individual applications must be filed within six months of the final domestic decision, changing to four months for applications lodged from 1 February 2022 onwards.

In international law, the International Court of Justice has no specific time limits but considers reasonableness and delays in bringing cases.

United Nations treaty bodies generally require complaints to be submitted within a reasonable time after domestic remedies are exhausted.

The time limits for bringing a claim under EU and international law can vary depending on the specific legal framework and the type of claim. Contact us at P.A. Duffy and Co. to find out the time limit relevant to your circumstances.

Is there a time limit for bringing claims to the European Court of Justice?

Yes, there are specific time limits for bringing claims to the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU). For actions seeking annulment of an EU act, claims must be filed within two months from the publication of the act, its notification to the applicant, or the day the applicant became aware of it.

Infringement proceedings initiated by the European Commission against a member state for failing to comply with EU law do not have a strict time limit but must be pursued within a reasonable period.

Additionally, while national courts may request preliminary rulings from the CJEU at any point during national proceedings, they are generally expected to do so without undue delay to ensure the timely resolution of legal questions arising under EU law.

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Our Human Rights Solicitors

Conal McGarrityConal McGarrityDirector
Enda McGarrityEnda McGarrityDirector
Naomi WhiteNaomi WhiteSolicitor
Sarah KirkSarah KirkTrainee Solicitor
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